

Improving the efficiency of business processes
based on the Toyota Production System approach

The Business System or, otherwise, the production system (BS/PS) implemented by JSC «SIC» is based on the approaches of the Toyota Production System (TPS) and utilizes the best practices of the Production System and Lean Production.

This is an environment of personnel development and creation of a culture aimed at continuous improvement and enhancement of business processes, created at the client’s enterprises, formation of a unified system approach to understanding the tools for increasing efficiency, eliminating all types of losses and maintaining the necessary quality of merchandise and services.

BS/PS improves production efficiency with the involvement of every employee and most customer focus.

Business system / Production system approaches allow:

  • to achieve the company’s strategic objectives;  
  • to respond quickly to market changes;
  • meet the customer’s requirements as quickly and completely as possible;
  • build efficient business processes, eliminating losses along the entire chain — from sales to raw material procurement.

Request for counseling

Научно-промышленные консультанты
Научно-промышленные консультанты

Diagnostics of the level of implementation

Научно-промышленные консультанты

Formation of portfolio and support of Project implementation to achieve and maintain targets.

Научно-промышленные консультанты

Development of the Client's personnel
in the field of BS / PS.

Научно-промышленные консультанты

Methodological materials

Specialists in Business System

Elena Aleksandrovna

(Specialist in Business System)

Dmitrii Anatolevich

(Specialist in Business System)

Kruze Tatiana Nikolaevna

(Specialist in Business System)

Andrei Alekseevich

(Specialist in Business System)

Svetlana Nikolaevna

(Specialist in Business System)

Evgenii Viktorovich

(Specialist in Business System)

Aleksandr Sergeevich

(Specialist in Business System)

Andrei Viacheslavovich

(Specialist in Business System)

Vladimir Mikhailovic

(Specialist in Business System)

Tatiana Veniaminovna

(Specialist in Business System)

Andrei Alekseevich

(Specialist in Business System)

Andrei Mikhailovic

(Specialist in Business System)

Sidorov Aleksei Vasilevich

(Specialist in Business System)

Andrei Viacheslavovich

(Specialist in Business System)

Dmitrii Igorevich

(Specialist in Business System)

Roman Viktorovich

(Specialist in Business System)

Aleksandr Ivanovich

(Specialist in Business System)

Shirokov Aleksei Viktorovich

(Specialist in Business System)

Examples of improved performance

Научно-промышленные консультанты

Air transport and infrastructure

Indicators for increasing airport capacity while maintaining security.

Научно-промышленные консультанты

Mechanical engineering

Increase in output without modernization of production

Научно-промышленные консультанты


Improvement of productivity and quality of construction and installation works

Научно-промышленные консультанты


Attracting new clients and retaining current clients by improving the quality of medical services.

Научно-промышленные консультанты


Improvement of production profitability by increasing the productivity of individual sites.

Научно-промышленные консультанты

Extractive industry

Increase in ore extraction due to increased productivity of the transportation section