SIC JSC received state accreditation of ISO 9001 certification body

JSC SIC (Scientific and Industrial Consultants) has received state accreditation as a certification body for quality management systems (QMS) according to State Standard of the Russian Federation, identical to ISO International Standard (GOST R ISO) 9001 (the Russian analog of ISO 9001).

The company has obtained the right* to confirm the compliance of the organization’s quality management system with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001 standard, to issue state certificates, as well as to extend their validity, suspend and terminate them. Also JSC “SIC” is authorized to provide the applicant with information on the procedure of certification. The standard term of certificate issuance does not exceed 2 months provided that there are no critical discrepancies and prompt elimination of identified minor deficiencies.

“Obtaining the new status has confirmed the compliance of SIC JSC with the strict requirements set by the state to organizations providing certification services and has become the first step towards international accreditation of our company,” said Dmitry Bondarenko, General Director of SIC JSC.

“Full-fledged management of the production process, building partnership relations with suppliers and gaining consumer confidence today is impossible without an effective quality management system. And it is the documentary confirmation of compliance with the standards that directly contributes to the competitiveness of enterprises both in the domestic and international markets,” added Vladimir Pavlov, Director for Quality Systems Development of the company.

* In accordance with the order №Aa-344 of the Federal Accreditation Service (Rosakkreditation) dated 26.07.2022 JSC “SIC” is authorized to conduct certification audits of QMS of organizations in the territory of the Russian Federation for compliance with GOST R ISO 9001. The entry number in the Register of Accredited Persons is RA.RU.13NV04.


JSC SIC is a consulting bureau with a comprehensive and innovative approach to building business processes based on advanced international and Russian practices that have proven their effectiveness and competitiveness through the experience of their application in companies — leaders in key sectors of the Russian economy. It is an accredited body for certification of quality management systems according to GOST R ISO 9001.