A hospitality training session was held at Sochi Airport.

The Scientific and Industrial Consultants consulting bureau held a special training on the topic of Hospitality for airport employees in Sochi. The event was attended by more than 20 managers of various departments of Krasnodar, Sochi, Anapa, Krasnoyarsk and Vladivostok airports.

The three-hour theoretical part of the training was conducted by Aneta Korobkina, an international speaker on customer service and a certified emotional intelligence coach. She familiarized the audience with modern approaches of the hospitality industry and key tools for attracting and maintaining customer loyalty. After the lecture, the participants of the training, under the guidance of SIC consultants, consolidated their knowledge in practice at selected passenger service areas of Sochi International Airport. The results of the practical work were presented to the airport management in the evening of the same day.

The training was the kick-off event of a new customer service development program exclusively developed by NPK experts for Aerodynamika Airport Group. It is aimed at comprehensive training of terminal personnel and equipment within the framework of the holding’s long-term plan for the development of airport services. The project provides for the phased introduction of Hospitality approaches, traditionally used in the foreign travel business, to improve the quality of services at all airports of the company.

The program will provide a comprehensive approach in preparation for passenger arrivals in 2022. Using the best practices of the hospitality industry will improve passenger satisfaction and, as a result, will contribute to the development of tourism in Russia’s regions.

“The joint work carried out by the specialists of SIC and Aerodynamika since the beginning of the year has made it possible to create conditions for a comfortable passenger experience and ensure the required capacity of airports in the extremely busy high season-2021. We have developed a new program taking into account the acquired experience, methods already used in the company, such as TPS and Service Blueprint, and the latest trends. I am confident that its implementation will open new opportunities for our client’s business,” said Dmitry Bondarenko, CEO of SIC JSC.

“The unprecedented growth of passenger traffic on domestic flights in 2021 has become a serious challenge for our airports, setting one service record after another. Such indicators many times exceed the design capacity of most existing regional terminals. In these conditions, the quality of service comes to the forefront. A special program developed for us by SIC will allow us to bring the services provided by airports to a qualitatively new level,” said Alexey Starostin, CEO of Aerodynamika Group.